Thursday, April 10, 2008

Houston We Have Liftoff...

What We Are: BlūPlanet

Who We Are: 4 College Students

Why We're Here: To inform you of the good, the bad, and the ugly that exists in the current movement to go green. We dare to explore every frontier of the popular green trend by exposing the hidden truths to the untrained eye. (Within the 10 weeks we have this class.)

Why You're Here: To listen to our ideas and, hopefully, you will return the favor by posting your own words.


Anonymous said...

Um, I appreciate all of the awareness coming about but does everyone realize that Mother Nature can get rid of us like she did with the dinosaurs so many years ago when she feels she has had enough of us?
Plastic won't kill anyone unless you inhale deep breaths with a bag over your mouth and nose. Yes, too much of things will not be good but Mother Nature does solve these things in her own way. We cannot control any of it.
And furthermore, the emissions from our vehicles emitted do not come close to the emissions from forest fires and from volcanoes, which are both natural things that the earth *needs* to cleanse things. The reason there were so many fires in Tahoe was because we were not allowed to burn things there and the smaller saplings were like kinder for the fire that did start and that caused the larger trees to catch fire and go on and on and on.
I love the earth and I appreciate all of this but you must truly think about the whole picture. There was no freeze from back in the 70's and this environmental Global Warming thing is just the same... fake.

Rheabird said...

You're right that Mother Nature has her way of taking care of things, but there is an abundance of scientific information that overwhelmingly links human activities to climate change and global warming. That isn't speculation; it's science. No, plastic won't kill anyone, but it is not biodegradable, and it does do harm to animals. We can prevent this. We can also prevent the rapid warming of our atmosphere, a warming that contributes to increased droughts in places where water is already a scarce resource, a warming that intensifies weather patterns and leads to major destruction, a warming that melts ice caps and causes a rise in sea level that has the potential to wipe out entire island nations. Emissions created out of our daily activities can be minimized and can be controlled. We are adding to and increasing emissions that occur naturally and that is global warming. Most of the world has already moved past the argument that global warming is "fake". The science is unequivocal. The issue now is what to do about it...

BluPlanet said...

We appreciate that everybody is commenting so much and giving their opinions on what they believe. We are simply trying to point out some of the ways in which we can help Mother Nature as well as help us live better so that both can be happy. There are many things today that we as humans do not realize that we are doing that are harming our little bluplanet and we are trying to enlighten ways in which we can help the planet and ourselves by extension.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that there is awareness out there.
I just want to make everyone aware that those people that have discarded all of their garbage and stuff by throwing it out the windows or over the side of the boat are not going to stop their bad behavior because they do not care. We can only control ourselves and hope that each of us makes a light footprint on the earth because there are so many out there that do not care.
Don't push your beliefs on those people because that will make them hear you less, just get the information out there and let them make their own decision.
Thank you!