Sunday, May 18, 2008

Global Warming and the Polar Bears

Due to the growing concern of global warming and its effects on the polar ice caps, environmentalists have become more and more concerned about the Polar Bear population. According to the Los Angeles Times, “listing polar bears as “threatened” with extinction could trigger limits on development in oil and gas exploration in and around Alaska.”
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska states that the Polar Bear evolved from the common Brown Bears of the lower United States and is suited to live on the polar ice fields. With global warming melting away the bear’s natural habitat it is causing a reduction in the population due to their inability to get to their food source. According to the film “An Inconvenient Truth,” the melting polar ice will not only endanger the home of the Polar Bear, but will also endanger our home due to the raising ocean levels. The U.S. Geological Survey forecasts a “future reduction of sea ice in the arctic could result in a loss of 2/3 of the world’s Polar Bear population within 50 years according to a series of studies.”
If we don’t start looking for other ways to run our factories, cars, and our throw away lifestyles, we may be next on the endangered species list.

By Stacey


Anonymous said...

Global warming caused the expansion of the polar bear population from 5000 in the 70's to 25000 today. Perhaps from more marine life from the heat (carbon dioxide is what makes photosynthesis work, i.e. its plant food).

Anonymous said...

I like that comment.

Anonymous said...

Thank you again for an awesome article on Global Warming. Polar Bears are near and dear to my heart. I've always been a big fan:) I will share this site with some of my friends. I am sorry I can't post more on this topic, my lunch break is up and I have to get back to work :)