Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I recently traveled out of the country and noticed that there are places in which the cost of living is much higher than here. Everything was more expensive than here in the United States and people get paid about five dollars a day! What would we do with that amount of money? I remembered reading more incredible facts such as how 50% of the world lives on less than two dollars a day. Searching for more facts I came to realize that here we spend a lot of money on cosmetics (about $8 billion), pet food ($17 billion), and of course the one thing many people hate: war (an incredible $780 billion). Why doesn't that money get used for better purposes, such as a better lifestyle for all people that need it? It is interesting to note that the richest 20% of the people account for more than three quarters of the world's income...why not close that gap between the rich and the poor? We should take into consideration our friends and family members in other parts of the worlds and if we can give them a hand because we do not know if they might be in a tighter squeeze than we are. Sometimes all they need is someone to talk to. Also remember what goes around comes around, so if you help someone out today, someday unexpected you might get helped back. So that's how you will be putting in your grain of sand to help fight poverty.
To read about some more fascinating facts about poverty today look at

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