Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cindy Crawford on GMA

Again, on GMA (my favorite morning show these days) there was a segment with Cindy Crawford on being eco-friendly. I thought all this exposure would die down after Earth Day passed, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I can see with all the attempts to reach people on “going green” (this blog not excluded) some people might be getting irritated which could turn this positive movement into something negative. So try not to let that happen. The frequency of these messages is important because the message is important and so very relevant to all of us.

Back to Cindy….I like that she admitted that it can be overwhelming to think about all the things that we should change because I feel that way too. What she suggested is to start small—you don’t have to change everything. But if you can tweak something here and there, it can all add up. For instance, stop using plastic water bottles ALL THE TIME--buy an aluminum bottle to replace the one in the car; unlplug your cell phone charger; unplug appliances not being used. Small changes all add up.

If you’d like to see the full interview, please click on the link below. You’ll have to sit through a commercial before you get to the meat of the interview.



onellestarfish said...

Below is a link to, a daily news site I like. The column is "Ask Pablo", and features interesting questions like the one here - should I switch to LED lights or just keep my old ones, since producing new ones will still use energy...? something like that. I got started with this colum from a post a few weeks ago about turning in your gas-guzzling SUV vs. buying a hybrid, and the energy spent/wasted doing both. Very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I saw Cindy Crawford on the View as well. Lots of practical stuff to say. Site looks great!

Julie said...

We recently switched to filtered water vs. buying 2.5 gallon jugs of "spring" water. The water generally tastes good and we feel good about no longer buying plastic bottles of water. Also, I now use the filtered water for food preparation, whereas before I used unfiltered tap water because bottled water was "too expensive." I bought the Brita Ultramax water dispenser (because it holds more than their regular pitchers) + 5 filters from (cheapest I could find it). This will last us 10 months and I've figured out that the Brita + filters will pay for themselves in 2.5 months vs. the cost of buying bottled water.

Anonymous said...

julie, you make an interesting point. Often "going green" can be the most cost effective solution to a common need.