Saturday, May 10, 2008

Take a Moment

As many may have noticed our posts seem to focus on some of the aspects in which our planet is suffering so its time to try something a little different...Hope you enjoy. Today, we are so busy with our daily life that we sometimes do not see life's beauties. While doing our daily routine, we might be so busy that life might just pass as by. Although we know that everything in this world has its problems everything has something great about it as well, so why not take the time to appreciate it before it is too late. Beauty is all around us just have your camera near by and flash around and you will see it. So why not try it and if you have a great picture and you want to share with someone, share it with us. So the lesson is to take a moment sit back and just enjoy the beautiful views in front of us.

Here's the link to my friend's video showing us more beautiful pictures, hope you enjoy them as well.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh, that was special. I almost guessed that the photography was by uncle mel. pretty though. I like animal beauty a lot too. animals are the most beautiful things that nature has created.